Goodbye World9/1/20This program changes the language
of the word "Goodbye" and shows a picture of the country
that language is from by pressing the buttons.
Help Page9/5/20This program is a help page for my made up
company called "Banana in a Cup". Each of the buttons change
the "Click Something!" into different pages.
Mailing Label9/14/20This program gets information from the
user and concatenates all the information into one mailing label.
BMI Calculator9/25/20This program calculates the
BMI of the user from the height and weight that
the user inputs.
Test Score10/1/20This program calculates the letter grade
you got from 2 different test scores, as well as telling you
which score is higher.
Dice Game10/9/20This program uses a random number generator
to roll two dice, which are added up and put into a chart. The
chart shows the probability of each number.
Craps Game10/20/20This program uses RNG to roll two dice, but
it uses them in a set of rules known as the Craps Game.
T-Shirt Program10/29/20This program shows the different prices and extended
prices of different T-shirts with add-ons to select.
Slot Machine11/13/20This program uses RNG to roll 3 dice that act
as a slot machine, winning the jackpot if you get all 3 correct.
Rock-Paper-Scissors12/1/20This program imitates a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, where 2 players take turns to select one of the options and see who wins.
Fish 112/8/20This program moves a picture of a fish left and right using an array.
Fish 2D1/5/21This program moves a picture of a fish in all four directions using an array.
TicTacToe1/12/21This program emulates the game "TicTacToe".
N!1/21/21This program uses a 'for' loop to show multiple math patterns.
Basic AI2/4/21This program uses the WASD keys on your keyboard to move a character. A second character follows you, and you can shoot bullets at him.
Star Field2/17/21This program mimics going through a star field by having stars move away from the center.
Aquarium3/19/21This program uses an array to control a school of fish, with add-ons such as a shark that eat fish, and a fishing boat that catches the fish.
Integer Array3/30/21This program uses an array to display 5000 numbers onto the label. The numbers range from 0-5000. The highest, lowest, and average are displayed.
ROOM (Final Project)5/28/21There are 3 main Rooms, each with varying difficulty. More detail can be found at